Heritage Turkeys

To make a deposit on a whole Thanksgiving heritage turkey, click HERE! (Fall 2021 reservations will open up late Summer)

Heritage turkeys are a great addition to any farm or homestead. They have wonderfully colorful personalities & eye-catching plumage. They are great as pets or raised for meat. Unlike the commercial breeds of turkeys offered at Thanksgiving time, heritage turkeys grow slower, live long, healthy, productive lives, are hardier and can breed naturally.


We will be hatching heritage turkey poults throughout Spring 2021. They will be a variety of colors ranging from Blue Slate to Bourbon Red and everything in between. Please email contact@redrockfarmstead.com to be put on our notification list for availability. Farm pick-up ONLY.

Heritage Turkey Poults: SOLD OUT



Adult Birds:

Toms: $75.00

Hens: $60.00

Pair (tom & hen): $120.00

Young Birds (Poults):

1 day old – 2 weeks: $15.00

Hatching Eggs:

1 doz: $60.00


Day-Old Poults: You have 48 hours from receiving your turkey poults to report any losses. We do our best to only sell the healthiest, strongest poults, but sometimes things happen. Be sure to email or call us promptly if anything happens so we can work out a replacement or refund!

Hatching Eggs: There is no guarantee on hatching eggs. We take the utmost care in collecting and storing fresh, fertile eggs for hatching. Once the eggs are in your care it is your responsibility to incubate them in an appropriate manner. Expect ~80-85% hatch rate for heritage turkey poults. We are happy to troubleshoot and answer questions, but please be sure to make sure your incubators are running correctly before purchasing eggs!